Tiphaine Viard

Assistant professor at Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


Office 3A319

19 place Marguerite Perey


Hi! I’m Tiphaine Viard, a maîtresse de conférences (~assistant professor) in the Digital technologies, organisation and society team at Telecom Paris.

I am interested in working on artificial intelligence and data analysis from a sociotechnical perspective. My main methods are graph analysis and neostructural sociology.

You can find more information about my current projects, the courses I teach in or my complete CV. You can also follow me on Mastodon to get a more “day-to-day” version of my work.


May 24, 2024 Mélanie Gornet will be at FAccT’2024 to discuss our work on mapping the AI ethics landscape!
Oct 16, 2023 I am invited to give a talk on Generative AI and fake news at the french Académie des Technologies
Jul 10, 2023 Mélanie Gornet and myself will be holding a seminar at the European Council, titled “Reading the AI Act with a technical lens”
Apr 22, 2023 I will be in Hamburg all week to discuss our work at the CHI’23 conference!
Oct 31, 2022 I will be presenting at the Conference of Complex Networks and their Applications, held in Palermo from Nov. 7 to Nov. 10, 2022.

selected publications

  1. FAccT’24
    Mapping AI ethics: a meso-scale analysis of its charters and manifestos
    Mélanie Gornet, Simon Delarue, Maria Boritchev, and 1 more author
    ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency 2024
  2. CHI
    On Selective, Mutable and Dialogic XAI : a Review of What Users Say about Different Types of Interactive Explanations
    Astrid Bertrand, Tiphaine Viard, Rafik Belloum, and 2 more authors
    ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2023
  3. SNAM
    Stream graphs and link streams for the modeling of interactions over time
    Matthieu Latapy, Tiphaine Viard, and Clémence Magnien
    Social Network Analysis and Mining 2018